Get to know me
Who and what is Trek With Your Dog?
It started simply
With A Hike
Two days and one night. We trekked up to Baldy Saddle in Madera Canyon, AZ with our dogs and camped there. The next morning we summited Mt Wrightstown and hiked back in.

Actual photos of that hike
That was the day
Something woke up in me
I discovered my years’ neglected love of camping needed to be combined with my love of hiking.
Having all I needed at my side and on my back was the greatest feeling I’d experienced. Waking up to sunlight and the outdoors was heavenly. Sleeping without the tidal noise of traffic was blissful. The smell of the dirt and the plants was the perfect aroma.
This was the recipe I’d been seeking.

It’s not just about backpacking
It’s about life skills
Taking off for a night, a week, or five months takes a certain amount of preparation. It requires resolve and adaptation. Your plans will change, your ideas will be upended, and your determination will be tested.
Sometimes you have to change for safety, sometimes you have to change because it’ll be more enjoyable, sometimes both. Often, it’s just acknowledging that your goals should be flexible.
My background skills before backpacking taught me how to convey these ideas, and more, to groups I’ve lead. The things you learn on the trail will follow you where you go, even if it’s a shorter trek.

Eddie Arriola
Leash Holder and Tent Pitcher
My main role is to drive Rye to the trails, hold the leash, and dole out the food.
I have a varied background which required a lot of leadership, communication, and safety. I have successfully lead groups through business qualms, through theater productions, and through learning new skills.

Rye Nocerous
Trail Finder and Food Thief
I take my post seriously and will tirelessly lead you through trails. I’ll also find all the good spots to cool off on warmer days.
Under my watch squirrels won’t steal your food and critters will give a good berth. The only thing bolder than my eyebrows is my personality.
My goal is to help
You connect to the world
Connection isn’t plugging in with a wire or piece of metal.
Connection is plugging in with intention and presence. It’s about living in the moment and not worrying about your work or email. It’s about being social with yourself, the people at your side, and the animals in your care.
My job is to bring a small part of the world to you, so you can go out and find more, yourself.
It’s not just about you and me
It’s about the world
I have a mission to do my part to repair the world. Part of that is introducing people to wilderness and teaching leave-no-trace ideals.
Part of it is to help support the existing organizations which help maintain the wilderness areas we love.

Trail Associations
10% of my profits from each trek goes to the trail association or the wilderness management of the trails we used.
Backpacking and outdoor activities is incredibly white. I have a few processes in place to help bring Latinx, black, and other minorites into the fold who might otherwise not.
Leave No Trace
All participants learn and agree to use leave no trace principles. This includes burying or packing out waste, staying on trails, and more.
Wild Area Respect
As much as it bugs me, dogs aren’t allowed everywhere. We will avoid those areas so animal repatriation or other restoration efforts will be more successful.

Want To Join Me?
Check out my upcoming treks and join one!